Mastering the art of scaring his mother to death... Check.
Blogger is being difficult and acting much like my stubborn three year old. For some reason, it's not allowing me to center my pictures the way I would like, or put them two to a line. Grrrr. Sometimes I hate com-pooters. And it's not allowing me to write captions at the moment either. Uggh. So, I'll just write them all here, and you can guess which pic I'm referring to. Oh, this will be fun! Like a name that picture game! See, I can be a glass half full kinda girl.
Let me start off by saying, yes we are aware of Hail's desperate need for a haircut. We've been calling him Willy Wonka. At times he allows me to brush it, and then it curls up super cute, like my Daddy's, so I really hate the thought of cutting it. But, he's past due for a trim at the very least.
Flash Flood loved all the animals we saw in the barn. He kept making this funny grunting sound as he panted heavily. I'm guessing he thought he was making an animal noise of some kind.
Lightning loved holding and petting every animal he could get his hands on. And would sit still petting them until I would suggest we move along to the next stall. He's such a patient and sweet kid. I tell him all the time that I bet he grows up to be a Veterinarian. He usually replies, "Yep! And I'm gonna be a docta and a cowboy and a powice man and a basebaw pwaya and a fishaman and a mail man and a twuck dwiva and a teacha and a farma and a....."
Hail (aka: Willy Wonka) wasn't quite sure if he wanted to hold a bunny wabbit or not. Finally, the farmer in the barn assured him he could "git 'em a sweet 'un" so Hail held out his arms. The sweet 'un the farmer found was a large adult rabbit though, which was not quite what Hail had in mind. As the giant white bunny with red eyes was lowered into Hail's lap, he began to squeal, "I wanna baby one! I wanna baby! I wanna baby ONE! DAT'S A BIG ONE! DAT'S A BIG ONE! IT'S GOT WED EYES! IT'S GOT WED EYES!!!" The farmer laughed, and plopped ole' red eyes down anyway. Hail "accidentally" dropped it four seconds later.
Thunder thought his rabbit died because it put it's head back and closed it's eyes. "Umm, Momma. MOMMA! Why is he dead??" Those poor bunnies. They get held and loved and dropped so many times that he was probably doing some wishful thinking.
All the kids piled on the tractor for what I thought would be a cute photo opp. WRONG. The Storm has decided taking pictures is D-U-M-dumb. Thunder thinks he's cool because he can kinda spell now. Sigh.
There was a corn grinder machine thingy that all the kids got to try. I asked Her Highness if she felt like Laura Ingalls and how fun would it be if she had to get up at sunrise every morning and do that chore for three solid hours. You can see her thoughts on the matter written all over her face. She was pretty proud of her clean corncob though.
After everyone found the perfect pumpkins, we decided to call it a day. Just like last year, we had a super fun time. A tradition we look forward to keeping.
Happy Punkin Patching to you!