Thursday, October 21, 2010

My writer's block is so bad, I can't even think of a title for this one.....

Wow, ten whole days since my last post??  That's not like me.  I've had a severe case of writer's block, and wish there was a way to snap out of it.  There are seven half-written posts in my "edit posts" box. 

I need a muse.  Could somebody please see if Kirk Herbstreit is available??  (Sorry, Babe. But it's a known fact that the muse can't be someone you are living with.)

It's frustrating to have a lot to say, but no words to express.  And honestly, here lately, I don't really have all that much to say.  Except, I do love keeping up with the crazy things the kids say and do.  This is our scrapbook, after all.  I'm just... not myself here lately.  Some days, the whole Motherhood gig gets to me.  And it's those days that I will throw in the towel, (before 8am) and resign myself to lay on the couch and fuss at the children for being so messy.  Then, check facebook 12 times (in an hour). 

Those days, immediately after dinner, I flop back down on the couch,  feeling exhausted, yet I have no idea why.  I mean, as taxing as facebook can be, there's no reason to be THAT tired, after ignoring the children and laundry ALL day.  So, I fall asleep early, feeling defeated and berating myself for being in this lazy haze, when there are so many women out there who would give their left arm to be in my shoes.  Then, when that tactic still doesn't work, I feel even worse because I'm now crying watching the episode of "I'm Pregnant and... Have Cancer," only I'm sad for her, and I'm still bummed over my own life.  A double whammy.  "Tomorrow morning, I'm going to wake up and tackle this mess!  I'm going to get ALL the laundry done, play with the kids non-stop, cook lunch for Bert, so when he calls and asks, 'Hey, Babe, what's for lunch?' I can say, 'Homemade turkey and dressing!'.. Then, I'm going to feed the starving children in Africa and adopt a baby from China... all before Her Highness and Thunder get home from school!" 

You know where this is going...

Maybe it's not just writer's block.  More of a Mother's block. 

Since Kirk Herbstreit is just a little busy with college football, maybe you guys could be my muse?...
The last time you were down in the dumps, what helped you snap out of it??

Just FYI, singing the kid song, "Down in the dumps I will never go... That's where the devil keeps me low..."  may be true, but it hasn't helped much. 

Seriously, I would love your input.

I need YOU, my Muse!


Jamie said...

Hey Holly! I would say how are you but.....
If you want to feel better about your life take a look at the blog I started. I would give anything to be in your shoes....
Love ya!!

Jamie said...

Oh the bottom post first.

Mandy Turner said...

Holly I just love listening to your families quirks and funnies! Your an amazing woman mothering all those children. While true enough I would always say my dream has been to be a stay at mom, I can only imagine staying home with so many. I say that's what I've always wanted, but maybe it's because I know I can't have it. I have always saved up my vacation for a week during thanksgiving and a week for Christmas so I can take off while the kids are out of school; but.......during those times I have caught myself saying many times...."you guys are driving me crazy I'd rather be at work!" Okay, brand me the officially worst mother, but I've said it, of course I didn't mean it because who would rather be on the phone all fake with people whose butts I kiss and them mumble cussin's after I hang up the phone. I think it's natural to always want whats out of reach, even if you don't always know what you want. Being a woman, and a mother I think that its fair for us to want something we don't have even if we can't completely pin point what it is. WE all know that you know that you are amazingly blessed! I get in those slumps too, where I am lazy, don't care about anything and go through the motions that are only completely necessary to get me through the day. The best thing for me to pull myself out of slumps is actually doing something for ME, ME, ME and Me alone! Something I want to do, not something I've committed to do out of obligation or planning, but something that I actually want to do for ME. Being a full time CEO of a house full is obviously draining. I CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO IMAGINE. I only have one child at home, I get to get away from him from 8-5:30, and he still drives me crazy at times. Girl you'll come out of your slump! So I'm guessing that all this rambling I did probably hasn't helped you so much!! hugs!

Do you think I'm bad? said...

divvy out your kids to friends and family for the weekend and come tailgate with us saturday!! tons of food, giant jenga, and all the fun you would ever want to have!! :)

Lindy said...

I'm liking Brooke's idea. ha! If you can't manage to find a sitter for a full day of tailgating how about a girls night out? Honestly, I get in the mood you are in quite often and I have no idea why!I hope you get out of it soon because I always lean on you to pick me up! ha!
Love ya!
p.s. Next time Kirk is in town I say we camp out in the hotel parking lot and see if we can get his autograph. ha!

Andrea S. said...

Girl, I am RIGHT THERE with you. Thankfully I just came off of two good weeks of being a decent mom, which makes this week of frustration not as bad as the three months prior to those two weeks. Now I'm just trying to get back on track and keep this train from derailing. It takes lots of deep breaths and canceling a few non-essential obligations. Then maybe we'll be okay...

Hang in there.

Trace Car Driver said...

awww sorry you are down in the dumps. thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. i can't really remember the tune and that's equally annoying as the song in my head :)
we all get in those funks... i agree. if there's anyway to have at least a girls nite, or maybe a nite by YOURSELF- call in the favors and have at it!
maybe some time on bagley drive would help too? a hike up my driveway? (i promise i will go slow and try not to hit any of the storm!)
i'm not into football and don't know who that hott guy is, but hey, if he comes to your house, send him to mine next! :o)

The Hills said...

Holly, I believe ALL mom's go through this feeling, and if they say otherwise...they are lying! My constant daydream is to be able to stay at home with my boys, but I know that would be a much harder and more taxing job than my current employer! All of the other girls are right, you need to do something for yourself, and that in itself, is hard to do for a mother...we take care of ourselves last! But, as the saying goes, "if Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy!" Have a girl's night, get a me, I'll come watch ALL of those sweet red-heads any day (and add my two monkeys for a full zoo)!

Anonymous said...

Drink. Climb into the shower and sob. Grab Scott and bite his arm. Uh, I mean Hail. My new coping mechanism for these horrible kids who keep coming at me? I put them outside (like a puppy) and pull the door shut all the way. Ava can't figure out how to turn the knob, she's so dumb, Warren can't reach it, and Scott (the only one who can operate a doorknob) loves being out there, so they'll be out there forever. It's perfect!
So, come over and we'll lock them all out there. Although with your kids, I'd probably have to come up with a better system. Something tells me your boys can handle a doorknob.