Take a look at these and just guess what the card said....

Her Highness may need therapy for the next few months/years. She'll eventually adjust. We're just happy that HE is a healthy baby.
There were more "after" shots that I just don't have the heart to post. She sobbed, uncontrollably for quite a while. I thought having a big crowd around, along with an inflatable water slide and tons of cake and ice cream would help cushion the news.... Boy, was I wrong! (pun intended.)
We are so blessed to have another healthy child. I do ask that you start praying for me now. Another member to the Hudson Storm can only mean one thing... more times like these. We'll have to wait and see his personality before giving him a nick-name. We love our boys and we couldn't imagine life without them. I keep trying to remind Her Highness of that. Right now she doesn't want to be reminded. She just keeps poking her lip out and crying. She'll come around in time.... We hope.
We have an awful lot of fun around here. I guess GOD knew that Her Highness was all the princess we could handle! Again, we're just so thankful that he's healthy.
PS. Just FYI to my Mother & Allison: If you click on the stuff highlighted in blue, another post will pop up. Don't even act like you knew that either--- No you did not, so quit talking to the screen and saying "I already knew that." Love you two. Even if you are compooter dysfunctional.
Oh, and PPS. For those of you who are really behind on my blog posts, click here.
Congratulations guys!!! What an awesome blessing. Love you & were so thrilled for you!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Boy or girl, I'm SO HAPPY to have another Maynard/Hudson on his way to this earth! You guys are just filling the world with better people!
I love you so much, and I'm SO thrilled for you and for Bert!
Tell Princess Lulu her remorse is quite understood - we're often disappointed, but sometimes the best things can come out of things we deem bleak! It's all about waiting and seeing - plus, she's the matriarch of this gaggle of guys, and you know that any one of them would bend over backwards to see that she's protected.
Just wait - she's got the force of a football team behind her! She's incredibly lucky - and she'll end up being surprised how fantastic her relationships with those boys will be. You can see it in her precious little face how much she adores each one!
Ahhh, the banes of being female - but we must stick together and persevere!
Congratulations, again, my love! I can't wait for Baby wǔ! (that's five in chinese!) Keep us posted with fat belly pictures!!!!!
Great news!!! I am sure Lucy will get over it in time and will love her newest little brother. Hey, remember when you found out Lucy was a girl? I recall your saying you kept having dreams about little blond haired boys... smile! Hugs and kisses!!!!
Wow... We are so excited to have a new member of the storm. Praying for Lucy, but know she will love having a baby to care for no matter boy or girl! ;) She's such an awesome sister!! We love you guys and are so happy that baby boy is healthy!!! ;) Loved the pictures. ;)
I thought for sure the odds were in Lucy's favor :) You guys are so blessed and it is so wonderful that you have another healthy baby boy on the way! Congrats again!
Yay for a healthy baby! I know that you are so thankful, and your little princess will be in love with the new member of the storm on sight, I am sure!
I know it wasn't probably as funny for you, but that last picture made me laugh so hard. Her face does say it all, "CRAP!" Congrats on the new baby boy...I love boys!!! Can't wait to hear how he will fit into the storm...
Tornado... Flood... Drought... Hurricane... Monsoon... Earthquake...
There are just so many names to choose from! :)
You should now change your blog to bertandholly7.blogspot.com
Congrats! She'll be so in love with the new baby when he gets here!!! :-)
I am thrilled for y'all! What exciting news! I know Lucy may be a little disappointed, but God obviously knows that she is just the sort of big sister a little boy needs! Can't wait to get updates on the belly, and the baby! Lots of hugs!
CONGRATS! I actually just now started looking at your blog again and saw that you are pregnant...and now saw its a boy! You're such a great mama and he's a lucky guy. Hopefully "her highness" will come around soon! :) Good luck with that!
Congratulations!!! Another boy will be super exciting!! Plus, you have LOTS of hand-me-downs :) I was so excited/anxious when I saw the first two pictures and then I couldn't help but feel super sad for Her Highness when I saw the last one :( Of course she will love her new brother, but just seeing her sadness broke my heart. We will continue to pray for her and everyone as we all await the arrival of a new member to the storm.
Oh goodness. The progression of those pictures broke my heart. I just knew it was going to work out for her. You're just going to have to go ahead and start planning her wedding and convince her that she's going to be able to get a much grander one, fitting for a princess, because you will only be footing the bill for one! Of course, you could keep trying for another girl :). Worse thing that could happen would be that you would make your own football team.
But seriously, I'm sure God did know what he's doing. Much less drama in the teenage years! Just tell her highness that we're lining up a great sister-n-law (or two) for her ;).
I loved seeing you and the whole fam! You look amazing and I am so excited we get to share this journey together. You are such a great (and patient) Mom and I am hoping to learn a lot from you! So excited for another boy in the Hudson Storm! I will send you my pictures of the Princess! The pictures are priceless!
Congratulations! I think the envelope idea was awesome and it was so great to catch Her Highness' reaction on camera... good or bad! At least you can laugh about it years down the road!! I wish you guys all the best!! (You look great by the way!!)
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